Tuesday, December 07, 2010

In Loving Memory

After 2 years fighting stomach cancer, my Grandfather passed away November 21st.  I have spent the last 2 weeks trying to decide whether or not his passing is something I should blog about.  There is no way that I could ever sum up with mere words the greatness of this man in one post and I think that is what I was conflicted over.  What I decided today though, was that I didn't have to do that. 

My Grandpa read my blog religiously.  He loved that I had my blog as a means to keep memories, which he also enjoyed.  My grandparents house is full (and I mean ceiling to floor in some places!) with pictures.  Hundreds of pictures and collages full of memories.  Family, friends, places - everywhere.  I love walking down the halls of their home because I am instantly taken back to when I was 2...9...12 (mercy, my outfits).  Times that may have seemed insignificant to me at the time, but that were so important to my Grandparents to remember.  I learned from them how important it is to "remember."  How loved all us grand kids felt because our Grandpa wanted pictures of us all over his house.  It didn't even come close to being the only way he showed us his love and devotion as our Grandfather, but it was something he really enjoyed and something us grand kids felt proud to be a part of.

I want to honor my Grandpa's tradition by being faithful in my own memory keeping - whether it's by keeping up with my blog, journaling, or hanging pictures on our walls.  I want my kids to know by these actions how much we love them - and some day, their children, along with the personal relationships my Grandpa blessed us with.

 A man of God, a humble servant, a loving father, grandfather and husband, encourager, fighter, believer, protector.  My Grandpa.  I miss you so much but I know you are celebrating with Jesus.  I can't wait to see you again.  Hallelujah!

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Becky said...

I know your grandpa would be beaming from his post. What a legacy to leave behind and how wonderful to know he got to hear, "Well done," from our Father. I know he was proud to have a granddaughter like you who loved him so much! Love you friend! What a sweet picture of Henry and your grandpa. That's a treasure to keep for sure.

butters said...

Oh Steph, what a sweet post, it brings tears to my eyes and I've never even met the man. Part of his legacy is you and your beautiful family, thank you for sharing it! I love you.

Nina said...

Your beautiful words went straight to my heart. What a wonderful grandpa that directed you with his sweet example of what really matters in life. The gift goes on through his children,grandchildren,and great grandchildren. Heaven is brighter cause he is there . I think he might have meet our family. I love you!!!

Jovial J said...

So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful post.

Scrappin' Diva said...

Steph - I'm so sorry for your loss. You wrote a beautiful tribute to your grandpa in this post! I'll be praying for you and your family as you go through this Christmas season without him. Hugs!

Danielle Brown said...

BEAUTIFUL. And SO true. Scrapbooking, Bloging, etc. are our "cave drawings" and the way we show our love to our loved ones... I KNOW he is very proud of the memories you are keeping here!