Friday, April 06, 2007

It's hot, it's hot, it's hot out here...

Sorry...I reverted back to my cheerleading days for a second.

Anyhoo. It's so sunny and warm outside! Henry was so sweaty when he woke up from his nap yesterday, that the clothes slowly came off.

Henry-bob no pants munching on the Noah's ark set from Grandma and Grandpa Marr.

Oh snap. I lost my shirt, too.

This morning, Henry was reading his new Bible from Grandma and Grandpa Johnson. He was in love with the pop-out pages. :)

Yeah! Our first romper of the season! How fun!

There are two new accomplishments on Henry's list:

1) Last night he halfway pulled himself up on his toy bin. Well, he at least got his bottom off the floor. Twice. :)
2) This morning he was reaching for some toys that I set (oh-so-kindly) just out of his reach and he scooted forward! Three times! But then he wouldn't do it again. Hmph!

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