Tuesday, September 20, 2005

So alone, but happy nonetheless...

Another day, another husband leaves town... Today Jim leaves for Houston until Friday night. Hopefully the case he's going down for settles and he can come back early. It's very lonely when he's not here!

Which brings me to the tale of wifehood... (what a lovely segue...not really).

I love being a wife. I love that you can be married to an extremely intelligent, completely competent man, and he still somehow could never get along without you. =) What would this poor man eat, pray tell? Cheesy poofs! What would he wear? Dirty socks and smelly jeans! Tell me, how would this man survive?? (This is where I come in!) I love to pack for Jim when he's going on a trip b/c I take pleasure in making everything fit just right - fantastically folded in perfect stacks. When the suitcase makes it back to our bedroom, it looks like a laundry basket. (Smile)

I love when I hear, "I have no underwear!" and I get to say, "It's in the dryer." I also love it when I hear, "There is nothing to eat and I'm starving!" and I manage to put together a meal of chicken, pasta and vegetables - and ice cream for dessert, mind you.

All this to say, I love being a wife and all that it entails in my marriage. I like that I feel I can take care of someone who needs me and gives me so much, even though he doesn't really NEED my help where I give it. What a great place, when you can find the balance of man and wife, support and encouragement, give and give.

1 comment:

Jim said...

You are very good to me.