
Well, his birthday was last Monday (May 30th) but such is the life of any child after the first, I think.
To sum up his development, he is doing awesomely super and, as our pediatrician told me today, our kids have sure given us a good workout. What does he mean?
Wyatt - 2 yrs
37 1/2 pounds
36 inches long
And in case you were wondering,
Henry - at 2 yrs
43 pounds (zoinks!)
38 1/2 inches long
So yes, you can say that. However, I am wondering why my arms aren't super-buff. That doesn't seem fair.
Anyhow. Wyatt is a smart and healthy boy! Even though we have "behavioral issues," they are considered totally normal so instead of being frustrated at his continual desire to challenge his mother, I will PRAISE THE LORD for a happy and healthy (albeit crazy) child.
We sure love you, baby boy. You are a spunky one, that's for sure, but so was (is?) your mommy so I'll try to remember that. ;) You bring energy into any crowd and melt the heart of those who are lucky enough to cuddle with you. Thank you for your silly faces and never ending desire to make your family laugh. You are growing too fast, but I am enjoying hearing you speak in mostly understandable sentences. Though it is still funniest when you are babbling full speed about goodness knows what. I love that you have no personal space whatsoever and you must sit as absolutely close to your brother as possible. Like half sitting ON him. You are a funny, funny boy and I couldn't be more thankful for the joy God gave us in you.
Happy Birthday, Wyatt!
Well, his birthday was last Monday (May 30th) but such is the life of any child after the first, I think.
To sum up his development, he is doing awesomely super and, as our pediatrician told me today, our kids have sure given us a good workout. What does he mean?
Wyatt - 2 yrs
37 1/2 pounds
36 inches long
And in case you were wondering,
Henry - at 2 yrs
43 pounds (zoinks!)
38 1/2 inches long
So yes, you can say that. However, I am wondering why my arms aren't super-buff. That doesn't seem fair.
Anyhow. Wyatt is a smart and healthy boy! Even though we have "behavioral issues," they are considered totally normal so instead of being frustrated at his continual desire to challenge his mother, I will PRAISE THE LORD for a happy and healthy (albeit crazy) child.
We sure love you, baby boy. You are a spunky one, that's for sure, but so was (is?) your mommy so I'll try to remember that. ;) You bring energy into any crowd and melt the heart of those who are lucky enough to cuddle with you. Thank you for your silly faces and never ending desire to make your family laugh. You are growing too fast, but I am enjoying hearing you speak in mostly understandable sentences. Though it is still funniest when you are babbling full speed about goodness knows what. I love that you have no personal space whatsoever and you must sit as absolutely close to your brother as possible. Like half sitting ON him. You are a funny, funny boy and I couldn't be more thankful for the joy God gave us in you.
Happy Birthday, Wyatt!
I celebrate every inch of you sweet boy!! Happy Birthday to you with lots of hugs and kisses xoxo
I love that boy very much, especially the sass, perhaps because I don't really have to " deal" with it, I can just laugh.(: he is a precious gift, so glad to be called "Nenna"!! Loves you all
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