How in the world is it time for Henry to start preschool?
In so many ways, he is still my baby, but in most ways, he is definitely a little (big) boy. Running, jumping (off high things! ah!), riding a scooter, always wanting to go outside, playing swords, sweating, getting oh-so-dirty and (gasp!) going to the bathroom ALL BY HIMSELF. Can I get a hallelujah?
He remembered first thing when he woke up that today was the day. He was SO excited. I think he walked around the house with his backpack on for about 20 minutes before it was time to leave. :) I think he was mostly excited about all those toys in the classroom, but whatever. I wanted to document this big day, but of course, my darling boy was not in the least bit interested in taking pictures. HONESTLY! HOW HARD IS IT?!?! Excuse me...that just slipped out there.
I was able to get a few pics:
Not so flattering of me, but oh how I love my boy!
Aaaand then we get to preschool. Of COURSE the very first thing they want to do is get a picture of your kid (and you) by the preschool sign. Mmhmm. We were there first, so there was lots of time to encourage the picture taking. And then other people were arriving and waiting. So we let some people go ahead of us. After about 6 other kids went, Henry was still in no way, shape or form going to let anyone, let alone some strange lady, take his picture. So we went inside. I decided I was not going to let it bother me. Go me!
These next pictures are backwards but I don't care today. Go me!
The first thing Henry did when we entered his classroom was run to this table to paint. You can't see it in the pictures but he was chatting away with the other kids.
All in all, it was a good day. Henry said he had a lot of fun and all I really cared about was that he was still wearing the same unders and shorts that he arrived in. :) Okay, I cared that he enjoyed himself, too. Only I really, really wanted him to not have an accident. Which he didn't! His teacher told me he went potty all by himself, he even pulled his own clothes over his bum! On a side note, when he went potty a little later, his underwear might have been rolled and barely covering his front side, but who cares?
Not surprising to me, Henry's teacher said he wasn't too keen on participating in class time. He kind of just stood to the side. This has always been a curious part of Henry's personality. He is not what I would call shy, is very outgoing and happy, loves playing with friends and meeting new ones and yet, he will not be conformed. Just because everyone else is doing something does NOT mean he will. He is often times more content to stand on the sidelines and observe. So that's what happened today. His teacher said it happens, not to worry about it, and that they would not pressure him to be involved. He can decide when he wants to "join the group." I appreciate that. Because if I know anything about Henry, continuing to encourage him to do something he doesn't want to do doesn't help. Here's me not worrying about it! Go me!
After class, Jenna invited us to the park to have lunch. How awesome to have Henry and Nate in the same class AND have a park just down the street! First, I need to give a shout out to my girl Jenna, who has fed me so many times, I have lost count. Incidentally, we are having hardwoods put in the kitchen and thus that area is basically out of commission. So of course, Jenna offered to make Henry and me lunch. Because she is awesome. She is quite literally one of the most giving people I have ever had the privilege to know and call friend. I am always encouraged to be more generous in every way possible after being with her. Love you, Jenna! I'm so glad our boys are in class together because it means I get to see YOU more often, too.
Anyhoo. She's so great. And our boys loooove to play. Today, they decided to wrestle. Henry kept saying they were boxing (like on the Wii) but I will continue to try and force the word "wrestle" into his head. This was a huge deal to me because Henry has never been one for wrestling. Ever. Like, not even with me or Jim. It was pretty funny to watch, and Jenna and I were giggling at the force at which they would take each other down. They were all smiles and laughs and after being pounded to the ground, and would get back up and start again.
Putting their whole bodies into it
Putting their whole bodies into it
Watch out, Henry!
Who - will - take - who - down??
How funny is this next picture?
So glad to hear it was a great day for him and yeah on the staying dry! I wish I could be a fly on the wall and watch all of these kiddos in their new classrooms- part of it is becuause I can't believe they've all grown up so much! I LOVE the wrestling shots..way to get those action shots. And I have to say that I sure love that Jenna girl too!
Your description of Henry standing on the sidelines is exactly how his father approached his preschool days - and even kindergarten! Life on his terms...:) The pictures are delightful! and we are proud grandparents! Grandpa and Grandma Marr
What fun! I loved hearing about his first day! Sounds like he is just doing great! Its funny how they can be so quite in situations like that, but YOU know they are not usually like that at all! What a big boy to go potty at preschool too, you always wonder how they will be without YOUR reminders! Good job Henry! I love the park funny seeing the two boys try to take eachother down!
What a big day for Henry - and for you and Jim. I'm so glad it all worked out. Love, Aunt Delynn
ummm, yea...also I am jealous about the naps! Aidan STOPPED taking them once preschool started! He TRIES to have quite time in his room for a while, but it usually doesn't last long! Enjoy it, for me! :)
Go YOU! Successful day. Check.
Ah sweet Steph. You are too kind, your words encourage me greatly, love you too friend.
I also just crack up looking at these pictures, they are too cute. Our big, wrestling boys, who look quite evenly matched.(: That was a fun morning. Thanks for sharing in this momentous day.
Until next time....
It amazes me how quickly they turn into little men. I love the happy wrestling. They totally need a physical outlet and it is hard to let them actually be that physical. Happy Preschool Days to you all!!
What a perfect day blessed by God for Henry and all of you. Nothing sweeter than parents prayers for there children.
Love, Nina
It sounds like Henry has a wise teacher. Loved your pix, Steph. I can't believe how much Henry has changed in the last year.
Hey Steph.
I think you get a gold star for getting through the day as well!! And what a clever, potty trained, preschooler you have. Go Henry!
Love Aunt Delissa
I cannot believe this is the first moment I've had to come back and comment on what a great post this is! Those pictures of Nate & Henry are PRICELESS! So proud of Henry (and Mommy!) for the quick potty training and hard work and reaching the huge milestone of preschool. Can't wait to see you in person!
Finally am sitting down to do computer work! These are great pictures of Henry's first-day-of-school adventures! I'm so proud of your good mommy diligence in getting him potty-trained in the nick of time! It seems in the pictures he has grown and matured even since July when I was there...miss you all so much. Thanks for your great, detailed and descriptive always do a superb job! Tell Henry we are all so proud of him! Love you, Mom
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