Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I just want cute pictures...
So. These videos were taken the other night when Jim and Henry were playing Mario Kart and they were so cute together - especially b/c Henry thinks he is playing, and keeps saying, "I did it!". So I was able to take a few pics, none of which are stellar, but as soon as I tell Henry to look and say "Cheese!" he turns into the 2 year old he is and is crawling all over me to "see" the camera. Blast technology and the ability to see your pictures immediately! I blame you for my son never taking a normal smiling picture! Here is my evidence!!! the world I live in. And it is also the reason we haven't done Christmas cards yet (or at all). We. Can't. Get. A. Good. Picture. People will say, "but those are the best kind of pictures!" Oh no, people. You know not what you speak of.
Good day!
Catching up
Henry has really enjoyed the tree this year. Here is one of his favorite tree pastimes:
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Cold days are for Jammies and Puffy Coats!
It is FREEZING outside today and since we had nowhere to go, I let Henry stay in his PJ's all day. Now that's my kind of day! Since it was so sunny, I decided to suck it up and take Henry for a walk. We put on our puffy coats (Henry-his, me-Jim's b/c it goes to my knees!), snow boots and "TRUCK, MOM!" and headed out.
Enjoy reliving our morning with us:
What? You don't let your child play in the street?
Awesomest outfit EVER.
For our family members who don't get to witness Henry's antics every week, here are some updates on toddlerhood in the Marr house:
Henry has decided to call us Mom and Dad. We have no idea where he picked this up.
Henry spoke thoughtfulness to me twice last week! Once, while I was on a ladder, he said "Be careful, Mommy!" And then, when I cut my finger in the kitchen and yelled out, he said, "Mommy, you okay?" Be still my heart.
If I'm doing something he doesn't want me to do at the moment, Henry will yell, "STOP IT, MOM!" Hmm...wonder where he picked that up... ;)
We explained to Henry this year about why we celebrate Christmas, and now he tells us that every Christmas decoration in our house - or in the neighborhood, or in Target - is for Jesus. :)
Henry always prays for our dinner
Now when I read to Henry, I stop at random parts and he'll look at me and fill in the blanks. Sometimes a whole sentence! Of course, these are books we've read to him for a while now, but still!
That's all for now!