I am going to give birth while Portland is experiencing triple digit temperatures. I know it. And then, the city will be using so much power, what with all the A/C demand, that our hospital will lose its power. Can that happen? Hmmm...maybe that doesn't make sense. Hospitals have to have some serious back-up generators or something to keep people well and living, right? Yes. That is what I will cling to! Although, maybe that is just to keep machines running and not so much for the A/C. Dang.

Here's me from the side...WOAH!
Maybe I should be more concerned about our A/C working when we get home. Poor hot baby! I know all the born and raised Oregonians are saying "Get over yourself! We've been doing this for years!" I can't help it! I was raised where if it's hot outside, you pump your A/C!!!

Doesn't it look like he'll be so comfy? Then why is he not coming?? Come out little one! Make your presence known! I am ready for you! (As you can see, I am technologically challenged and cannot erase or rotate this picture now that I have placed it here. Sorry!)